2025 Executive Committee

Bakeeshan Kathirchelvan, ACAS, ACIA

President 2024-2025

Vice-President 2023-2024

Bakeeshan is a Senior Manager at The Co-operators, where he brings strong leadership and industry expertise to the table. Outside of work, he’s passionate about home renovation projects and is an avid cook, bringing creativity and dedication to everything he does!

Rishika Malhotra-Dhir, ACAS, ACIA

Vice-President 2024-2025

Rishika is a Data Science Product Manager at Aviva, where she leads initiatives that enhance operational efficiency within underwriting. In her free time, she enjoys traveling with her family and diving into a good book.

John Nguyen

Treasurer 2023-2025

John is a Senior Actuarial Manager at Aviva Canada, where he brings valuable expertise to the role.

Saurabh Santoshkumar, ACAS, ACIA

Communications & Social Media 2024-2025

 Saurabh is a Senior Actuarial Associate at PwC Canada, where he brings expertise in actuarial valuations, capital modeling, and IFRS 17 solutions, with a strong focus on process automation. In his free time, he enjoys gaming, hiking, and exploring new destinations.


Download or consult the articles below.

This organization shall be called the Ontario Conference of Casualty Actuaries.
The purposes of this organization shall be to advance the knowledge of actuarial science as applied to the problems of insurance, other than life insurance to foster the education of actuarial students in the geographical area in which its members are employed or reside, to promote and maintain high standards of conduct and competence within the actuarial profession, and to promote good fellowship among its members.
Fellow and Associates of the Casualty Actuarial Society who are employed, on a full time basis, in or reside in Ontario shall be eligible to be members of this organization.
Professors, teachers, and students of insurance or actuarial mathematics or other persons in the property and casualty actuarial profession who are employed in or reside in Ontario may, upon approval of two-thirds of the members of this organization, become subscribers but shall not be accorded any of the rights reserved to the members.
The dues of this organization shall be established by the Executive Committee, as hereinafter described, and become due and payable as of the annual meeting each year.
SECTION 01 – The President and Vice-President must be members of this organization, or subscribers of this organization who have completed the equivalent of at least seven examinations offered by the Casualty Actuarial Society. The Secretary/Treasurer must be a member or subscriber of this organization.
In the event a vacancy occurs among any of the officers of this organization, another member of this organization or a subscriber of this organization who has completed the equivalent of at least seven examinations offered by the Casualty Actuarial Society may, by the affirmative vote of majority of the members present and voting, be elected to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.
The President shall be elected at the first meeting of the organization and shall hold office for one year.
The Vice President shall be elected at the first meeting of the organization and shall hold this office for one year. At the conclusion of the term of office as Vice President, the person holding this office shall become President and hold this office for one year. At the meeting at which the current Vice President becomes President, an election shall be held to elect a new Vice President.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected biannually and shall serve for a term of two years. No officer shall be elected to succeed himself/herself for the same office.
SECTION 02 – The officers of this organization shall constitute an Executive Committee of which the President shall be the Chairperson. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to consider and implement the current policies and programs of the organization, to approve Committee appointments made by the President, and to act in an advisory capacity to the president on all policy matters that may come before the organizations. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President and shall be held at least once each year.
SECTION 03 – The duties of the president shall be: to preside at the meetings of the organization and the Executive Committee and, with the approval of the Executive Committee, to appoint member of any standing or special committees herein provided for or hereafter established by this organization.
SECTION 04 – The duties of the Vice President shall be: to preside at meetings of the members, in the absence of the President and to assume such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee.
SECTION 05 – The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer shall be: to maintain a complete list of the members and subscribers of this organization, the officers and members of all committees; to notify new members of their membership; to furnish each new member with a copy of this Constitution and of any By-Laws; to receive and keep on file records of the finances of this organization; to receive, review and keep on file information furnished by the President or Executive Committee; to perform the secretarial duties for the Executive Committee; to keep minutes of all meetings of this organization; and to perform any other secretarial duties which may arise.
The Education Committee shall consist of three members, two appointed by the President and a Chairperson elected by the members present and voting at each annual meeting. The Committee may elect to appoint temporary members, all of whom shall have a non-official status only.
The committee shall encourage the organization of courses in actuarial science and render such other assistance as it deems advisable to further the education of actuarial students in the geographical area in which the members of this organization are employed or reside.
The Committee shall file an annual report with the Executive Committee of this organization at least ten days prior to the annual meeting, summarizing its activities for the year.
The College Community Relations Committee shall consist of three members, two appointed by the President and a Chairperson elected by the members present and voting at each annual meeting. The Committee may elect to appoint temporary members, all of whom shall have a non-official status only.

The Committee shall establish and maintain contacts with the colleges in the Province of Ontario for the purpose of:
1) developing an awareness in the universities and colleges of the actuarial profession;
2) encouraging the establishment of property and casualty actuarial science courses; and
3) assisting in carrying out the policies of the Casualty Actuarial Society.
The Committee shall file an annual report with the Executive Committee of this organization at least ten days prior to the annual meeting, summarizing its activities for the year.
The CIA Liaison Committee shall consist of three members, two appointed by the President and a Chairperson elected by the members present and voting at each annual meeting. The Committee may elect to appoint temporary members, all of whom shall have a non-official status only.
The committee shall ensure that members and subscribers of this organization are informed of and have a forum to respond to significant initiatives within the Canadian Institute of Actuaries affecting the property and casualty actuaries in Ontario.
The Committee shall file and annual report with the Executive Committee of this organization at least ten days prior to the annual meeting, summarizing its activities for the year.
This organization shall hold at least two regular meetings each calendar year with the date for each meeting determined at the next preceding meeting. The second meeting in the calendar year shall be designated as the Annual Meeting.
Other meetings may be called by the Executive Committee from time to time and shall be called by the president at any time upon the written request of ten members. At least two weeks notice of all meetings shall be given to the members by the Secretary-Treasurer.
This Section shall be an affiliate of, but subordinate to, the Casualty Actuarial Society; shall take no action contrary to the Constitution or policies of that body; shall file copies of the minutes of all meetings with the Secretary and General Chairman of the Education and Examination Committee, and Chairman of the Continuing Education Committee of the Casualty Actuarial Society; and shall function as a Section only after petition to the Casualty Actuarial Society for recognition, the granting of such recognition, and which such grant has not been suspended or revoked. This Section and its committees shall not be permitted to make public expression of opinion on issues of public interest.
This Constitution may be amended by an affirmative vote of two-third of the members present, provided that at least twenty-five percent of the members are present, at any meeting held at least one month after notice of such proposed amendment shall have been sent to each member by the Secretary-Treasurer.


Fatir Siddiqui,FCAS

Chair of Scholarship Committee 2024-2025

Forest Wu

PwC Canada

Kooj Nisha

PwC Canada

Marty Baskaran


Nathan Kamphuis

PwC Canada

We would like to thank all our past executive members and volunteers for their efforts and contributions to the organization over the years including:

Naheed Jaffer, FCAS, FCIA

President 2023-2024
Vice-President 2022-2023

Dylan Bailesh

Website Design & Social Media, 2023-2024

Lawrence Verheye, FCAS, FCIA

President, 2022-2023
Vice President, 2021-2022

Maria Morosan, ACAS, ACIA

Treasurer, 2021-2023

Keith Chen

Website & Communications

Michelle Ting

Website & Social Media, 2021-2023

Winnie Luong

Communications, 2022-2023
Chair of Scholarship Committee, 2021-2022

Peng Seng Kuok, FCAS, FCIA

President, 2021-2022
Vice President 2020-2021

Scott MacNeil, FCAS, FCIA

President, 2020-2021
Vice President 2019-2020

Anita Li, FCAS, FCIA

Treasurer, 2019-2021

Adil Virani, FCAS, FCIA

President, 2019-2020
Vice President 2018-2019

Mariel Capco, FCAS, FCIA

President, 2018-2019

Patrick Cunningham, FIA, CERA

Treasurer, 2017-2019

Jean-Christophe Sauriol, FCAS, FCIA

President, 2017-2018
Vice President 2016-2017

Lison Noblet, FCAS, FCIA

Treasurer, 2016-2017
Vice President 2017-2018

Arushree Prakash, FIA, CERA

President, 2016-2017
Vice President, 2015-2016

Karine Kaprielova, ACAS, ACIA

Communication Manager, 2016-2018
Chair of Scholarship Committee 2016-2017
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Sati MacLean

President, 2015-2016
Vice President 2014-2015

Alena Kharkavets, FCAS, FCIA

President, 2014-2015
Vice President 2013-2014

Mathieu Bellemare, FCAS, FCIA

Treasurer, 2013-2015

Remil Colozo

Conference Coordinator 2015

Michelle Gardner

Scholarship Committee 2020-2021

Jordan Thiessen

Scholarship Committee 2020-2021

Shivani Karani, ACAS, ACIA

Chair of the Scholarship Committee 2020-2021

Jason Kim

Scholarship Committee 2020-2021